Friday, July 10, 2009

Green Smoothies

I have always love greens. If there's no greens in my meals, I'll feel uneasy as if something is not right and when I do not get enough green, yes.. I'll be constipated.

So what's my diet like? Basically, I'll try to avoid the 3 whites (white flour, white rice, white sugar), and replaced them with the browns (brown flour, brown rice, brown sugar). However this is not enough. I am a person that love greens but I do not really eat a lot of fruits and my greens intake is simply not enough. I'm hoping for a 50% greens, 30% fruits and the remaining will be rice, grains, beans, seeds and etc.

However, if you look at a typical Singapore meal, for instance, laksa, noodle soup and etc. There's not much greens and the whole meal is simply made up of carbo! Even if you go to the rice stall, they will give you more rice than the veggies. As such, I have always request for less rice and preferably it's brown rice and 3 kinds of veggies. However, I know something is not right. Sometimes after a meal, my stomach still feel empty and I'll have craving for more foods. Just couple of weeks ago, I had one of the strangest craving stuffs, like sushi roll and baby spinach. I felt my most content when I ate a baby spinach seaweed roll. Occasionally, I'll have craving for junks such as chocolate and deep-fried stuff and this is what frightened me. A week ago, I had a strong craving for chocolate. So I ate a lot of chocolate and durians. Straight away, I have this huge pimple popping out, and I really regret eating those chocolate.

So, what does all these have to do with green smoothies. After reading much on health and nutrients, green smoothies seems to be the best way to obtain nutrients. Apparently, having a craving is a sign that your body is lacking of some nutrients. Well, I do not know what I'm lacking but I'm really hoping to see improvement in my health.

I'll continue to update more along the way and in the mean time... I'm just enjoying the process of searching for a better health.

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