Friday, July 10, 2009

Green Smoothies

I have always love greens. If there's no greens in my meals, I'll feel uneasy as if something is not right and when I do not get enough green, yes.. I'll be constipated.

So what's my diet like? Basically, I'll try to avoid the 3 whites (white flour, white rice, white sugar), and replaced them with the browns (brown flour, brown rice, brown sugar). However this is not enough. I am a person that love greens but I do not really eat a lot of fruits and my greens intake is simply not enough. I'm hoping for a 50% greens, 30% fruits and the remaining will be rice, grains, beans, seeds and etc.

However, if you look at a typical Singapore meal, for instance, laksa, noodle soup and etc. There's not much greens and the whole meal is simply made up of carbo! Even if you go to the rice stall, they will give you more rice than the veggies. As such, I have always request for less rice and preferably it's brown rice and 3 kinds of veggies. However, I know something is not right. Sometimes after a meal, my stomach still feel empty and I'll have craving for more foods. Just couple of weeks ago, I had one of the strangest craving stuffs, like sushi roll and baby spinach. I felt my most content when I ate a baby spinach seaweed roll. Occasionally, I'll have craving for junks such as chocolate and deep-fried stuff and this is what frightened me. A week ago, I had a strong craving for chocolate. So I ate a lot of chocolate and durians. Straight away, I have this huge pimple popping out, and I really regret eating those chocolate.

So, what does all these have to do with green smoothies. After reading much on health and nutrients, green smoothies seems to be the best way to obtain nutrients. Apparently, having a craving is a sign that your body is lacking of some nutrients. Well, I do not know what I'm lacking but I'm really hoping to see improvement in my health.

I'll continue to update more along the way and in the mean time... I'm just enjoying the process of searching for a better health.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Ferrari blender

Yes, finally I have waited till the day of my Ferrari blender arrival, my Vita Prep 3. Prior to this, I was stuck with the choice of Vitamix 5200 or Prep 3.

In Singapore, the 5200 costs more than a Prep 3 but it comes with a 3 year warranty and the BPA-free container. As for Prep 3, the warranty is only for a year and it's with the old container. But it's cheaper than 5200. So it's definitely a tough fight between the 2 models. However, why will I pay more for a 5200 whereby the price is actually cheaper in the US as compare to Prep 3. So the choice is clear.

Having said all these, this blender of mine is definitely the most expensive kitchen equipment that I have ever bought. So is the price worth it? My friends all jumped at me when they heard about it. Well, to me it's definitely worth it.

There are 2 reasons why I bought the blender. Firstly, it's for the recovery stage after my jaw operation, I'll need to be on liquid diet. Being a vegetarian who's trying to cut down her intake of milk, I definitely have no wish to survive the entire month with just milk. Next, I'm into this raw diet thing and I'm hoping for a 50% raw diet. Thus, the blender is definitely a good tool to make green smoothies!

I'm still playing with my blender, made some nut milk just now. I simply love the taste, it's yummy! It's always good to ask Mr Google for some nice recipes. Hopefully I can create more dishes from my lovely blender.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life before death

This week has been a discourage week for me, especially job wise. I can’t wait for weekend to come. This weekend I have attended a talk by a photographer, Deanna Ng titled “Life before death”.

I have always been “fantasied” by death, since young. In this still society, death was pretty much still a taboo. No one really likes to talk about it. Since a child, I have always been pondering where do we go after death and this was what lead me to become a Buddhist.

The first time that I encountered death was about 4 years old when my grandfather passed away. My memory of it was very vague but I remember it as a “fun” one because of the fact that I can play with my cousins. It’s very rare in our family that we will gather together. It’s only during New Year or occasions such as wedding and funeral that we get to meet each other.

My next encounter with death was when I was 18 years old. My grandma had passed away in her sleep. She had diabetics and had both her legs amputated. Shortly after that, she suffered from stroke and remained bed-ridden for 4 years before she finally passed away.

I am not too sure whether it’s a Chinese practice or what. But after the cremation, everyone of us gather around the remains and “pick bones” to be place in the urn. We were not allowed to speak during the process, and it was through this process that I was struck hard. While picking her bones, this stream of thoughts went through my head, is this what remains of us after death. What’s money and materials means then. And I really envy my grandmother, at least there are people who pick her bones after her death. I wonder if the same will happen to me or not.

Today, the talk is about documenting those dying people before their death to leave a memory for the family. Deanna has shared a lot of her thoughts and feeling with us. To many people, death remains a fear to them. I think I was very lucky. Being a Buddhist, I have read up quite a few books about death. Perhaps people will find it strange but I supposed if we are mentally prepared for it, there will be no fear. After all, this is a path that everyone will have to go through regardless of rich or poor.

Having said all these, it is not that I can face death peacefully or what. As much as I can, I hope I am ready for it when it’s my turn. My life philosophy? To die without regrets.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Vegan Mayo

Today I purchased a vegan mayonnaise from Supernature. The name is Vegenaise. All I can say this is really the closest taste to a real mayo. I love it man.

I'm trying to cut down my intake in dairy products and eggs. Right now, I don't eat these stuff at home but only outside, and I tried to cut down the quantity as well. My favourite prata in the past are Egg and Cheese/Mushroom. Right now, I try to go for plain prata only but of course once in a blue moon, I will allow myself to indulge in those 2 pratas.

Yet when I ate those 2 pratas, I kind of feel guilty. I suppose it's a sign to tell me stop eating? Anyway, I found the following receipe from the internet. I will like to try it out when my Vita Mix blender is here... :)

I should blog more about my Vita Mix blender when I have received it.

Homemade Mayonnaise Recipe – Vegan Mayonnaise Recipe

Makes ¾ cup mayonnaise

½ cup soaked almonds (soak almonds for 8 hours)
½ cup purified water
Juice ½ lemon
3/4 tablespoon honey
½ tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
1/8 teaspoon dry mustard
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ to 2/3 cup olive oil

Place all the ingredients for your homemade mayonnaise recipe in a heavy duty blender except the olive oil. Puree the ingredients until very smooth. With blender still in motion, slowly pour a thin stream of olive oil through the opening in your blender’s cover. Continue to puree until you reach the right consistency. Taste and adjust flavors to your liking.